Here’s a fun little project I made about a year ago. We use these scripture puppets to help my daughter learn the stories from the Bible and Book of Mormon. I made the basic characters–a king, a prophet, an angel, etc. and we use them over and over. Sometimes I even make “props” to go along with specific stories—cardboard trees, cotton ball sheep, etc. She LOVES them and gets so excited to act out the stories.
They were really simple to make: I just traced the basic shape onto two pieces of craft felt and sewed them together along the outside edges. (Make sure they are big enough that dad can fit his hands in the holes too.) Then I used skin-colored felt to make the heads and decorated them with little embellishments I had lying around. The puppets have googley eyes, but just a warning—all kids I’ve ever met like to pick googley eyes off of things. GRR!! I’d never add googley eyes to anything I make ever again if I didn’t think they were so stinkin’ cute!
Anyway, the sky is the limit with this project. You could make all sorts of characters from the scriptures, or you could go a different direction and make animal puppets, storybook characters, puppets that look like each member of your family…so many fun options!
Comments & Reviews
SO CUTE! I just love all your projects. They are so exciting!!! And I am in awe of all your talent!
Very cute. I bought this really cute pattern you should make… it’s an apron but people use it for maternity shirts!! It is so dang cute. I’ll have to show you.
I love how they can be used for any story. Great ideas! 🙂
I love these because they look so versatile for lots of stories. I've posted a link to this on my "projects I want to do" list. ( I'll also make sure to link to you again when I actually make them. My hubby's a grad student too…and we're on that same tight budget with no money for frills. Thanks!
I finally got around to posting the puppets I made inspired by yours here. You can see them at (And I have a "featured on" button on the sidebar you can take if you're interested.) Thanks for the great idea!