Enjoy this beautiful free printable 2021 calendar.
It’s free printable calendar time! Of all the freebies I offer each year, this is my favorite to make. It feels like a little gift from me to you and a way to say thank you for sticking around here for another year following my creative adventures.
This 2021 calendar might be my favorite yet. My first go at this was the 2019 calendar. If you printed off the 2020 calendar, you may notice some similar elements. But I figure 2020 was such a crap year that we should get a redo on some of those gorgeous florals.
The free printable files are sized to print on regular 8.5 x 11 inch paper. This is a portrait orientation calendar, meaning it prints the hot dog way, not the hamburger way. What can I say… you can’t take the teacher out of me.
I printed my calendar on cardstock using my home printer set to the best quality print settings. If you don’t have a home printer or don’t want to use all your ink, you can have color prints done at Office Max or Staples for about 50 cents per page. That means the whole calendar would be $6. Score!
The files are PDF format, so they should open and print easily. If you want to add birthdays and holidays, you can open the files in Photoshop and type in the information there. The font I used throughout is called Wilderness Typeface in case that helps.
I’d so appreciate it if you took a moment to pin this project to Pinterest so others can enjoy it too. Thanks!
Comments & Reviews
Thanks so much for the calendar. It was very nice of you to share it.
I love your calendars and so appreciate the opportunity to download yours each year. It brightens up every month!
The calendar is beautiful thank you. Jx